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E. Rogan on the PLO Plane Hijackings

Below are two exerts from Eugene Rogan’s The Arabs: a History. a wonderful book, if dense, that starts by establishing the baseline for beginning to understand the transnational and multi-century struggle of the former subjects of the Ottoman Empire. Important for anyone wanting to see what mess the world got into when it popped an…

::The Books of ’21::

part the 2 I think this essay will be in three parts, and I know that’s a lie. There will be 3 updates titled “The Books of ’21” with some number of ::colons:: shielding them on the flanks. There will, however, be two books that have found their way into their own special pages. Yes,…

A Garden Update: May ’22

If you read my first part of Books of ’21, you might have noticed I spent some time talking about my yard. While I do feel years past my temporal age in body wiriness, I am not yet at the middle-aged dad-desire to have a patch of ground that is perfectly in my control. Meta-textually,…

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